Why Whanganui Ballet
& Dance Academy
The Whanganui Ballet & Dance Academy believes in high quality teaching that is informed and up to date, and delivered to you in a warm, friendly dance environment.
We promise you a pre-school curriculum that will encourage and foster motor and cognitive development in your pre-schooler. Our teaching methods will ensure your young child will be well prepared to learn formal dance steps after two years of fun and imaginative learning.

At the Whanganui Ballet & Dance Academy we offer your child syllabi from the two most respected classical training methods in the world, the ISTD and RAD.
Our grade syllabus developed by the ISTD has been tried and tested in European, Asian and Australasian countries for many years. The ISTD is an internationally respected training and examining body that has a rigorous qualification standard for prospective teachers. By training in the ISTD grade syllabus the young dancer will be well prepared to face the challenges of vocational training.
Like the ISTD (istd.org) the RAD (rad.org.uk) is recognised throughout the world as being one of the foremost classical training bodies. Examiners are audited by an international board that ensures consistency in examination marks. Regular courses are held nationally to ensure teachers are kept up to date with the latest training methods. Publication of the RAD Diary and RAD website keep teachers in touch with each other and informed as to what courses and events are happening nationally and internationally.

The Whanganui Ballet & Dance Academy offers vocational students training in both the ISTD and RAD methods. It is our belief that by utilising both specialised training methods we will ensure the best possible results for your child.
Training for your child will be supported by classes offered in body conditioning/pilates, private tuition and open (non syllabus) classical work.
The Whanganui Ballet & Dance Academy supports diversity in dance training that complements classical ballet. In today’s competitive world it is imperative that the young dancer has the opportunity to explore other dance styles such as Modern, Jazz and Contemporary dance.