Annabel McMahon

Contemporary & Senior Modern Theatre Teacher
I began dance at the age of 6 at Whanganui and Ballet Dance Academy and was primarily interested in ballet. I passed my ISTD exams to intermediate, as well as my RAD ballet exams up to and including Advanced Foundation, achieving distinction in every exam. After a few years of training at WBDA, I was given the opportunity to attend Modern classes, where I completed three grades, and then, once I was of the correct age, I joined WBDAs contemporary classes. I have now completed all six NZAMD contemporary exams as well as my solo diploma, and I was selected by my examiner twice to compete at the NZAMD Scholarship weekend in Wellington alongside other selected dancers from all around New Zealand.
At WBDA, I was given the opportunity to audition and was accepted into the New Zealand School of Dance National Scholars programme at age 11, where I travelled to Wellington two times a term for four years, to train with experienced teachers and other talented students. I was also accepted into their Associate's programme, a nationwide audition-only programme for students 13-17 years, at the New Zealand School of Dance.
Unfortunately, due to a structural abnormality in my right foot that required surgery, I was unable to complete any further exams after Advanced Foundation and was no longer able to continue further training at the New Zealand School of Dance, as pointe work was just too uncomfortable. However, I was still able to dance and after recovering from my surgery, I returned to classes and still trained alongside my peers, as well as beginning my teacher training.
Currently, I am taking part in Amdram’s Phantom of the Opera production, which I auditioned for, alongside other fellow Whanganui dancers, and was selected to be a dancer and part of the Ensemble cast.
I currently teach NZAMD contemporary levels 2 & 4, as well as ISTD grade 2 modern and a fun ballet/fitness and strength class for adults who have not previously had ballet training or adults who want to return to dance.
Teaching has instilled a new level of confidence in me and it is very rewarding to work alongside all my students and to get to see them grow and become stronger. To be able to dance is a luxury and every moment should be enjoyed. Being a dancer myself, I know that one can be their own harshest critic, and so I strive to provide a supportive environment where every student discovers their own potential and can push themselves past those critical thoughts and enjoy every moment in the studio.